
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Goodbye BB.

Are you a major bookworm like me?  Ever since I was a kid, I've been a lover of books.  I was the only one out of all my friends in elementary school who had a floor to ceiling bookcase in her bedroom (no joke).

My favorite type of books, are the ones I can get lost in.  For me, reading is about de-stressing.  Yes, I have other hobbies to de-stress, but seriously, reading is the ultimate de-stressor.  How anyone can truly say working out is a de-stressor (my husband) obviously has not worked out as hard as I have - what with the aches and pains that come afterward... Ugh, that's not de-stressing to me.

By the by, I have an insane list of books that I have read, and in recent years I've been reading series books, mostly in the (yes, I'm guilty to say) YA genre. he he he...

My most favorite series is the Blue Bloods series by Melissa de la Cruz.  Mind you, I pre-order books on my Kindle, and tend to forget - so when they pop up as 'new' I squeal  as if I just received a surprise present.  (sent by me ofcourse)

Last night, after I came home from a night course, I needed to de-stress.  Sounds like I stress alot huh??  By the by, I turn on my Kindle and voila! the new book in the Blue Bloods series, Gates of Paradise.    So, what does this avid bookworm do??  Guess....Yes, take the guess to the extreme... You got it.  My nerdy booty stayed up and read that book from 10sumthin pm til past 3am in the morning.  total nerd  Needless to say, after I read the last page, I went into sudden withdrawal.  Melissa de la Cruz wrote the dreaded The End at the end of it.  gahh!  I'm having internal agony!  After six years with this series, I have to say... good-bye?!?!  So not fair!  I feel like staging a website protest on de la Cruz's website.

tears... good-bye Blue Bloods

Monday, January 14, 2013

I concur.

Woman to woman - this is so true, its insane.  I mean, it may not make sense to men, but it makes absolute sense to us women!  I totally agree.  lol

Gallus Domesticus.

Do you eat chicken? Like, seriously, eat chicken the way my husband and I eat chicken?  Eat chicken everyday, eat chicken?!  Well, if you are - then I wonder if you have the same dilemma that we do.

See, we love chicken.  Hmm, now that I think about it, its not love-  its the "we're so used to it, its so healthy for you, that its just a part of your life" kind of love...  Our freezer is stocked full of boneless, skinless chicken breasts, thighs, legs, chicken wings, chicken parts... Oscar.Mike.Tango - that almost sounds gross, the saving grace being that its just chicken.  

So if your freezer is like ours, and your daily eats consist of mostly chicken, then my next question is... When  you have those moments where you crave something, do you end up craving something completely different or just a different version of chicken?  lol  You see, this past weekend my husband and I had a lazy day.  During our lazy day we sat around, lazing away with our kids in the living room when suddenly we looked at each other and said almost in sync, "Mmm, fried chicken." lol  We actually got out of our lazy stupor to get ourselves and the kids ready, just so we could go and have some fried chicken.  It wasn't until we were in the car heading out that we realized how insane this situation was.  Of all things to suddenly have a craving for, it was fried chicken.  I mean seriously; it wasn't filet mignon, lamb chops, or something extravagant, it was fried freakin' chicken.  Needless to say, we were laughing our heads off (looking goony to other drivers) as we headed to, get this, KFC!  Oh... wow... That was our Saturday party night.  But, ohh was the fried chicken good!  
So redonkulous, I had to take a shot!
(I refuse to have a wide booty like dude behind me)
So, while we were there, some guy ordered his fried chicken meal, then chose to look at the calorie pamphlet afterward - then proceeded to pull up his shirt, and give himself an insulin shot... Lets just say, that was a scared straight moment for me.

Hmm... My head looks insanely huge in this picture.  And those flyways  Seriously?! Geez, I look like I have a rat tail!  !(*&#@*&#@

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Aloha Sunday.

Hawaiian Rainbows...
Good morning (well, for me anyway)!  It still is a bit getting used to waking up when the vast majority of my friends and family have already spent half the day awake.  But none-the-less, I bet they didn't wake up to a beautiful Hawaiian rainbow in the sky indulge in the view and the palm trees swaying to a calm breeze.

The one thing that stays true about Hawaii, is you get at-least one rainbow a day.  The past two weeks been a bit dreary for Hawaiian weather.  It reminds me of Northwest weather, which I do miss.  Its been constant cloudy skies with the occasional rain shower.  But I love the rain showers   One, it reminds me of the Northwest, and I love it! Two, as you all may know if you have traveled as extensively as I have, each place has a unique rain smell.  Here, its a tropical smell of the palm trees, the salt smell from the Pacific, and an earthy smell.  Its unbelievable.  The first time I smelled that tropical rain smell was when my husband first brought me here years ago to meet his family.  I remember being in the grandparents' van with the windows down, and the smell of the showers just wafting in as the wind blew in... I will never forget it. *cue the ukelele*

Speaking of smells... my son G decided to lull me awake from my wonderful sleep with the most horrid poop smell to come from his diaper yet.  Egh!  What a wake up call!

The Introduction.

By typing this, it's semi-official; I now have a blog.  In all honesty I have no idea what my sole purpose for this blog truly is.  I don't believe in letting the world know my whole life story.  I don't like negativity, so I won't be griping.  I refuse to post my children's pictures on the internet, therefore this will not be a diary of them.
So what will I use this blog for?  In all honesty, it will just be a jumble of everything.  Quotes to inspire, pictures to gah over, pictures to gag over, pictures to laugh over... lol... I also come across amazing recipes time to time, which I love to share.  My husband and I like to eat healthy (and occasionally enjoy a guilty treat.)
At times there are moments in my life that I wish to share, those are the moments that are too funny not to share, or the ones that make my heart burst I just want to scream out to the world how much my  heart is full.
This year, 2013, is about personal projects for me.  I won't list them out, then I'll just jinx myself and end up not completing them.  But, look out for those posts.
My blog posts...  I hope to make you smile, laugh, give you warm fuzzies inside, and inspire.
As it states - I am a Wife, Mom, and most of all a Woman - this blog is to share anything and everything related to the three, and hopefully it'll allow you to relate to me.  
Yep, now its official.  I have a blog.